It’s your choice.

How many things are on your ‘To Do List’ right now? One thing, five things, twenty things? Sometimes it feels like there is a never ending list of things to do and your stuck on a hamster wheel, other times you might feel you’re going at a slower pace.

When you’re stuck on that wheel going round and round one thing that can help you when you’re feeling over whelmed to is take back a little bit of control.

A simple way in which you can help yourself to do this is the way in which you talk to yourself about the activities or task you’re undertaking. Just one subtle tweak in a word you choose to use can an impact.

The word, well I’ve just used it in the sentence above, ‘choose.’ Instead of saying that you ‘should’ get on with a particular task, opt for you ‘choose’ to do a task.

That washing up that needs doing? You’re choosing to do it.

That letter you need to post? You’re choosing to do it.

That hoovering you should do? You’re choosing to do it.

That email you should reply to or that report you should be getting on with? You got it! You’re choosing to do those too!

The choice is yours, so try choosing to amend your language and it might just help you feel a little less overwhelmed and a little more composed.

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